1985® Short Film Trailer

1985® Short Film Trailer

Short Film


  • Excerpt from the “1985: Heroes Among Ruins®” documentary feature about human solidarity: Ever since the 1985 Mexico City earthquake, Mexico is a rescue and civil protection example to the whole world. It is the triumph of the people over devastation.

  • Awards and Screenings

    • Official selection of an excerpt of the feature documentary with the same title at the Mexico City Museum for the exhibition titled “Aftershocks: The Collective Imagery from the 1985 Earthquake” from September 17th, 2015 to February 1st, 2016 in Mexico.

    Data Sheet

    Country: Mexico
    Running Time: 21 min.
    Genre: Documentary
    Language: Spanish
    Format: HD/Color
    Director: Jeanette Russ Moreno
    Producers: Jeanette Russ Moreno and Tomás Sampedro Fernández
    Screenplay: Jeanette Russ Moreno
    Camera: Jeanette Russ Moreno, Tomás Sampedro Fernández and Iván Morales Muñoz
    Editing: Jeanette Russ Moreno
    Sound: Tomás Sampedro Fernández
    Music: Gerard Pastor
    Additional Music (CC): Kevin MacLeod